
Support Direct Ltd provides high quality care at affordable prices

The cost of care will differ depending on your individual circumstances. our approach considers the long term cost of care and we differ from other providers by actively trying to maintain or reduce the cost of on-going care. support direct ltd’s philosophy is to promote independent living; this means that we actively look to integrate assistive technology and encourage general wellbeing programmes that can slow deterioration.
if you are going to pay for your own care all you need to do is find a provider you like and they will guide you through the assessment process. providers will charge different prices so it’s worth considering this when you are choosing who to use.

The quality of the service is also very important

Call or email us for free, our friendly, fully trained and qualified staff will visit you at home, listen to your unique needs and carry out a no obligation detailed assessment. we will then suggest an appropriate package of care services that will support you in your home if your local authority has assessed you as being eligible for social care support there are a number of ways you can choose to receive your services:

1.Managed services

The local authority will organise and pay for your services on your behalf. social services will have prepared a support plan following your assessment. this plan will set out what services you will receive, how and when these are to be delivered. you should agree to this plan before services are put in place. the support plan will be passed to the provider who will deliver your services. the provider will be one of a number of providers who has been approved to deliver services in your area.

2.Individual service funds (isfs)

This option gives you more control over how your services are delivered. the local authority will help you to select a provider and then set up an agreement between yourself, social services and the provider. the agreement will give an indication of the types of services you are eligible to receive. you and your provider will then work out how, when and where these services are to be delivered. The authority will pay the provider for your services on a regular basis. the provider than manages the money to deliver those services and has to report to you and the council to show how the money has been used.isfs allow you and your provider to be more flexible. if you are feeling well one day and want to reduce the amount of support you get you can arrange to do this with this provider, you do not need to arrange it through social services. you can then ‘bank’ the time/money for another day when you are feeling unwell or when you know you will require a little more support.

3.Direct payments

Direct payments will also give you greater choice over decisions about who cares for you and how your money is spent. if you take a direct payment you will receive the money that social services would have spent managing your service or that would have gone to a provider as an manage this money yourself however you must account for the money you spend and evidence to social services that you are using the money to meet your eligible care needs. if you take a direct payment you can choose who you want to be your care worker and employ them directly yourself. or you can choose to do something else with your money such as take part in a local arts group, as long as it meets your care needs. With a direct payment you do have to manage and account for your own finances. if you choose to employ your own care worker you will become an employer and certain rules and laws will apply. however you can get support from your local direct payments support service – your local authority will be able to provide details. you should also be aware that certain criteria need to be met to qualify for direct payments, speak to your local social services for advice.
your local authority social services department should be able to help and advise you further: you can find details of your local social services department here
