Our Objectives

The Company aims to meet the following objectives in the delivery of a Quality service:

  • To ensure that the service is delivered flexibly, attentively and in a nondiscriminatory manner, whilst respecting each individual’s right to independence, privacy, dignity, and fulfillment, the right to make informed choices and take risks.
  • To ensure that the service is delivered in accordance with the agreed Care Plan/Contract.
  • To implement a programme of staff recruitment, training and personal development to ensure that the needs of the Service User(s) are met.
  • To manage the care service efficiently, making the best use of resources to maximise best value for both the commissioner and the person receiving the service.
  • To match the nominated Care Worker to the needs of the Service User and ensure that where necessary, changes are made flexibly within the terms of the Contract
  • To undertake risk assessments of hazards involved with the provision of service and for environmental risks identified in a Service User’s home, in order to identify risks and take measures to reduce or eliminate them in accordance with the Health and Safety Policy of the organisation.
  • To provide all Service Users with written information on the organisation including a Service User’s Guide, detailed care plan, daily records/logs, completed risk assessment and details of the organisation’s complaints procedure and how to use it.