Our Story


Support Direct Ltd is registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), registration number: RGP1-839874745 and we are a Domiciliary Care Agency providing high quality services to those who need support and are living in their own homes and in the community. The provision of tailor made services in the specialist segment of the market is meant to meet the unique and complex needs of the individual service users. Working in partnership with Social Service Departments, we cater for Ethnic Minority communities as well as all other European nationalities.

Our service delivery system is simple but comprehensive, consultative in order to meet the service users’ preferences and flexible enough to accommodate any changes in service requirement or future changes that may arise from Social Services; this is because our philosophy is based on providing a holistic service that consider all aspects of our service users’ welfare. We also take professional pride in our flexible workforce, our care workers are competent, consistent, well trained and are able to meet the changing needs and requirements of our service users at all times.
